These mini candles are the perfect size for all your spiritual needs. They are 4" tall and 1/2" in diameter, burn time is approximately 2 hours. Each candle comes with a color chart with the magickal intentions attributed to each color.
Black: Absorbs & destroys negative energy, banishing, protection
Blue: Tranquility, healing, patience, meditation, represents the element of water
Blue, Light: Protection of home, healing, meditation, reduse stress
Brown: Energy for animals, peace in the home, represents the element of earth
Green: Money, fertility, prosperity, growth, luck, healing, represents the element of earth
Green, Apple: Emotional healing, protection
Gray: Neutralitly, glamouries, protection
Lavender: Intuition, spiritual shield, calming nerves & children
Orange: Adaptability, attraction, luck, success
Pink: Love, honor, harmony friendship
Purple: Power, healing severe diseases, spirituality, wisdom,
Red: Strength, lust, passion, love, represents the element of fire
White: Purification, peace, truth, protection, symbolizes the moon
Yellow: Communication, intellect, confidence, solar energy, represents the element of air
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